Example Use Cases for Teeken

  1. Catch alarms in a conveyor system and notify maintenance personnel
  2. Alert specific service personnel from remote biogas installations
  3. Record and archive key performance indicators (KPI)
  4. Provide production planning with up-to-date production counters
  5. Ad-hoc alarming and logging during implementation and start-up phase
  6. Show current production counters on a large screen

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Alert specific service personnel from remote biogas installations

Keywords: Wago I/O, Modbus, S7, different receiver groups


  • A company operates a number of bio-gas fermentation sites on the ground and on behalf of several farmers
  • Service and maintenance are provided by different contractors, for example for
    • the fermentation process and gas storage
    • the heat/power generator plant
    • the connection to the public electricity grid
  • These components all have their own, different controllers
  • 99% of the time, these installations run unwatched, but
  • in case of failure of a component, the relevant service contractor must be called immediately
  • In addition, the operating company wants to collect online and offline times


  • The public electricity grid provides only two discrete signals: Ready (to receive power) and Power good (power delivery is within specified limits)
  • The power plant provides discrete signals for Running, Failure and counting impulses for the kWh delivered


Since the fermentation process already has a small PC-based SCADA, Teeken can use this PC, too. This process is controlled by a S7 PLC, so Teeken can connect directly to it.

For generator and public grid, a Wago 750 Modular I/O system is installed with

  • ETHERNET TCP/IP fieldbus coupler
  • 16 digital inputs and a
  • counter input module

The Ethernet module responds to Teeken as a ModbusTCP source.

Teeken uses the already installed internet connection, normally used for remote service of the fermentation system.

The configuration contains

  • two sources, the fermentation S7 and the Wago for power and public grid
  • one node for every alarm and
  • the counter value for kWh produced
  • one e-mail receiver per contractor.
    It's up to them, to route incoming alarms to their service personnel
  • a e-mail receiver at the operating company for alarms, productivity data and online/offline times
  • a file receiver that records all events into daily log files for later
  • one e-mail uplink, using the operators company's mail server

Each node has a dir according to its component (fermentation, power, grid)

Each receiver subscribes to only those dirs, he is responsible for. The "Installation and Basic Setup" shows an example, how to alert different receivers.

Teeken can now

  • catch alarms from the different components
  • alert the specific service provider(s) for each alarm
  • send a copy of each alarm message to the operating company
  • log the time of alarms and start/stop to file
  • report critical states and values periodically to the operating company

In addition, the operating company can offer its customers, the farmers, who are the owners of the installations, to receive alarms and productivity data on their cell phones.