How Teeken works
Teeken is a Windows console application, meaning it doesn't open a graphical window.
The operation of Teeken is controlled by the teeken.ini file, see below.
The Teeken run loop:
- Read
- Establish connections to the devices
- Read the
teeken_states.csv file
- Start the loop
- Read the
nodes values form a source
- Update
teeken_states.csv with the new values
- Evaluate all trigger conditions
- Activate all newly triggered actions
- Stop, if
coupler;runmode;once is set
- Stop, if at least one trigger fired and
coupler;runmode;trigger is set
- Sleep until
coupler;readinterval has expired
The teeken.ini
teeken.ini is the configuration, specifying, what Teeken is supposed to do.
This is a text file in CSV-Format. You can edit this file with every text editor, like Notepad , but also with spreadsheet applications like Excel . See the How-To documentation for the latter.
The type of every line in teeken.ini is specified by the keyword in its first column. Keywords are not case sensitive. Source , SOURCE and source are valid. If the value in any column starts with # , this and all following columns are considered to be comments.
- One of the general settings, like
runmode , readinterval or loglevel .
- Defines how specific notifications are sent, e.g. an e-mail server plus credentials.
- Starts the definition of a new device, always followed by an
adr line, optional set 's and one or more node s
- Specifies a target for notifications or a file to record value changes
- Directories connect
nodes and receivers .
- A
node is assigned to one dir .
- A
receiver can specify many dir s.
- When the trigger of a node is fired, all
receiver s connected to its dir are notified
Starting and stopping
teeken.exe can be started
Via Start / Run... / cmd.exe
- Click the Windows
Start -Button, than Run...
- Type
- "cd" to the drive and directory, where you unpacked the
- Type
teeken and see what happens
Via a shortcut on the desktop (with some adjustments)
- Create a shortcut on the desktop
- Locate the
teeken.exe as target
- Set the directory of
teeken.exe as working directory
From Scheduled Tasks
- Create a new task
- Locate the
teeken.exe as target
- Set the directory of
teeken.exe as working directory
- Specify the start conditions, for example "at windows start-up"
- Teeken must be started in directory where
teeken.exe resides
The Files
The necessary files are:
- The Teeken Executable
- Your configuration.
- This library implements the communication with Simatic S7 PLCs. It is Open Source Software, available at
- This dll is needed for Twitter communication.
libcurl needs several other dlls: libeay32.dll, libidn-11.dll, librtmp.dll, libssh2.dll, ssleay32.dll and zlib1.dll.
Teeken produces at least one file, when running:
- This file contains the values of all process variables with the timestamp, when they were read. Teeken uses this file to check for value changes
Do not change this file!