
How Teeken works

Teeken is a Windows console application, meaning it doesn't open a graphical window.

The operation of Teeken is controlled by the teeken.ini file, see below.

The Teeken run loop:

  1. Read teeken.ini
  2. Establish connections to the devices
  3. Read the teeken_states.csv file
  4. Start the loop
    1. Read the nodes values form a source
    2. Update teeken_states.csv with the new values
    3. Evaluate all trigger conditions
    4. Activate all newly triggered actions
    5. Stop, if coupler;runmode;once is set
    6. Stop, if at least one trigger fired and coupler;runmode;trigger is set
    7. Sleep until coupler;readinterval has expired

The teeken.ini

teeken.ini is the configuration, specifying, what Teeken is supposed to do.

This is a text file in CSV-Format. You can edit this file with every text editor, like Notepad, but also with spreadsheet applications like Excel. See the How-To documentation for the latter.

The type of every line in teeken.ini is specified by the keyword in its first column. Keywords are not case sensitive. Source, SOURCE and source are valid. If the value in any column starts with #, this and all following columns are considered to be comments.

One of the general settings, like runmode, readinterval or loglevel.
Defines how specific notifications are sent, e.g. an e-mail server plus credentials.
Starts the definition of a new device, always followed by an adr line, optional set's and one or more nodes
Specifies a target for notifications or a file to record value changes
Directories connect nodes and receivers.
A node is assigned to one dir.
A receiver can specify many dirs.
When the trigger of a node is fired, all receivers connected to its dir are notified

Starting and stopping

teeken.exe can be started

Via Start / Run... / cmd.exe

  • Click the Windows Start-Button, than Run...
  • Type cmd.exe
  • "cd" to the drive and directory, where you unpacked the
  • Type teeken and see what happens

Via a shortcut on the desktop (with some adjustments)

  • Create a shortcut on the desktop
  • Locate the teeken.exe as target
  • Set the directory of teeken.exe as working directory

From Scheduled Tasks

  • Create a new task
  • Locate the teeken.exe as target
  • Set the directory of teeken.exe as working directory
  • Specify the start conditions, for example "at windows start-up"


  • Teeken must be started in directory where teeken.exe resides

The Files

The necessary files are:

The Teeken Executable
Your configuration.
This library implements the communication with Simatic S7 PLCs. It is Open Source Software, available at
This dll is needed for Twitter communication. libcurl needs several other dlls: libeay32.dll, libidn-11.dll, librtmp.dll, libssh2.dll, ssleay32.dll and zlib1.dll.

Teeken produces at least one file, when running:

This file contains the values of all process variables with the timestamp, when they were read. Teeken uses this file to check for value changes

Do not change this file!